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    PRAY FOR MH370

    Let us take a moment to pray for all single person onboard.

    Assalamualaikum and greetings to all readers. As we know, our country and even around the world were shocked by the loss of the aircraft MH370 departing from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing at 12:41 am Saturday and is expected to land in Beijing at 6:30 am. However Boeing 777-200 aircraft is said to have disappeared without leaving any trace of the traffic control center at 2.40 am. 

    Here is a list of passengers MH370:

  • China: 152 person and 1 baby
  • Malaysia: 38 person
  • Indonesia: 12 person
  • Australia: 7 person
  • Perancis: 3 person
  • Amerika Syarikat: 3 person and 1 baby
  • New Zealand: 2 person
  • Ukraine: 2 person
  • Kanada: 2 person
  • Rusia: 1 person
  • Itali: 1 person
  • Taiwan: 1 person
  • Netherlands: 1 person
  • Austria: 1 person

  • Ahmad Jauhari said the pilot was Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, who has experience of total flight time of 18,365 hours. 
    "Zaharie served by Malaysia Airlines since 1981. First officer Fariq Ab.Hamid aircraft is 27 years old. 
    "He has total flight time of 2,763 hours, and he was with Malaysia Airlines since 2007," he said during a press conference. 
    The plane was reportedly carrying 12 crew.


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