• Dheyaul Clothing is a blog that sells products related to Islamic and fashion trends as well as a blog to spread the Islamic Da'wa to all Malaysian Ummah .

    This is not Jannah

    If you’d rather yield to the western ideals, where a guys and girls run rogue and shamelessness is rife, where nudity is encouraged rather than chastity, then do as you please. Yolo, right? But you see, Islam is realistic. Which is why it is applicable to the frequently fluctuating morals of society. Islam tells you straight. 

    Brothers: You’re not going to find the perfect girl who is tall and fair, with a dazzling smile, silky smooth skin, long flowing hair, and a model’s voluptuous body. You are going to find someone that Allah has decreed for you since before you came into this world. You are going to find someone as flawed and imperfect as you to satisfy your deficiencies, who can fill the gaps where you have empty spaces, just like when a person’s fingers intertwine with yours. 
    Sisters: No knight in shining armor riding on an elegant, white stallion is going to whisk you off your feet into the perfect home where everything after that will be perfect and you’ll live happily ever after. No ! Your life is a reality, snap out of that fictionalized fantasy you’ve created in your heads. You won’t always come across this stellar guy, who’s character is just subhanAllah and who’s personality and deen pleases you or who not only looks beautiful but behaves beautifully as well. Not everyone is like the Prophet Muhammad, lamentably. He left behind a legacy to follow and no one can equate to him. They will have innumerable defects, just like you do.

    Let someone love you as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes consider yourself to be, as unaccomplished as you think you are, as hopeless as you feel and as often as you deprecate yourself.

    You don’t live perfectly happy. You’ll not. This is not Jannah, that’s the reason why you got together to achieve it. You’ll quarrel, you’ll disagree. You’ll dispute, bicker and squabble. But in the end that’s the point of it.
    You learn to live and you live to learn. This person won’t be all your life will be centered around, but they will make up an integral part of it.

    Eventually, you both have to go to account alone and be placed in your own graves. Allah may send someone to make you feel special and honor you, but it’s a choice between what you give precedence to. Spouses are a means, and you’ll find exactly that. A means to get closer to Allah and at the same time as completing a part of yourself and then in the end, your love will continue in Jannah and this time it won’t be defective. Everything will be perfect, better than you could have envisioned it.

    But beauty lies in finding peace in one another amid the chaos of today through the one form of love that unites hearts better than any other love that exists: Love of Allah.
    It is this commonality between them that leads them to live in peace with each other, no matter how incompatible they may be and that’s how life in dunyaa’ will be until you both reach your worked-hard-for destiny, Bi’dhnillah.


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